A Quick Look into Coffee Pods: What to Know

Coffee Pods

Nothing quite compares to starting the morning with a fresh cup of coffee. While most people prefer to drink coffee from cafes, the convenience and ease of drinking your brew have taken the world by storm. Unfortunately, not all instant coffee choices offer good taste. 

Opening a packet of bad ones can sometimes leave you with a much too acidic brew, but thankfully coffee capsules are now more accessible. You can easily purchase a machine, pop in a pod, and get fresh espresso.

The development of these coffee pods has changed the course of coffee drinking forever, but understanding its history can help you appreciate your morning coffee even more. That said, we dive into history today:

A Slow Brew

Nespresso has become the forerunner of the coffee pod industry, launched in 1986 by the  Nestlé corporation. Thanks to their in-house engineer, Eric Favre, who found inspiration from an Italian espresso bar he visited a decade prior. Here, he carefully observed how the baristas handled espresso machines. They knew exactly how to manipulate the pressure, thereby getting complete control over the coffee extraction process.

The coffee pod machines we now know today mimic the very dynamics of the espresso machine. Favre ensured that the devices added pressurised air to the water, making the extracted coffee adorned with a good layer of crema. In 1986, they patented and trademarked the tool.

The innovation did not launch successfully, however, as no one seemed interested in taking on the market after multiple pitches. It wasn’t until 1988 that the machine saw success—the Nespresso was remarketed towards home consumers and has since become a staple of coffee lovers worldwide.

Understanding the Coffee Pod Brewing Method

As previously mentioned, the capsule espresso machine works quite like the espresso machine cafes all over the world use. The only difference is how the coffee is handled. While express machines require extra accessories, you only need a coffee pod to extract espresso. 

Once you add a coffee pod, you push the button and allow water and pressure to take over. In the end, you’re left with a creamy and frothy mix, more than capable of getting you through the day. 

These machines are perfect for homeowners, as they take away traditional espresso machines’ nuisance and unpleasant tastes of instant coffee. For some, it creates the ideal balance between convenience and quality. 

If you want to get the best brews, consider Pod Life Coffee’s capsules, including Sydney. Intensity is at 13/13, made from beans from Brazil, Colombia, India, and Nicaragua. Full-bodied and powerful, these pods work best with splashes of milk.

Investing in Sustainable Coffee Pods 

Thankfully, the coffee pod market is steadily on the rise. More and more homeowners now switch to coffee brewed at home, mainly due to the current state of the world. However, experts believe that the consumer shift towards quality and sustainability has also driven the market further. 

These days, coffee isn’t just about the quality. It’s about sustainability, and what the coffee pod machines offer is just that—less use of cups, lids, and even chemically-induced sweeteners. More often than not, a good cup of coffee at home can do the trick, especially if your coffee pods are compostable and biodegradable.

If you need the best Australian coffee pods, Pod Life Coffee is the place to go. Our compostable plant-based Nespresso coffee pods are not just made with quality, but they are also crafted with sustainability in mind. Don’t miss out on the best—order today!