Types of Coffee Pods and the Machines Compatible with Them

Types of Coffee Pods and the Machines Compatible with Them

In the past, drinking coffee was as easy as roasting the beans, grinding them, and brewing them to perfection. Nowadays, due to the advancement of technology and awareness of the environment, drinking coffee is now more sustainable than before. Through eco coffee pods, drinking coffee is now more mindful of the domain.

However, not everyone can use biodegradable coffee pods in their usual routines. There are coffee machines that only accept specific coffee pods—Nespresso, for example, has a particular pod of coffee design used only on their products. But what are the types of coffee pods, and which machines are compatible with them?

1. Coffee Pods 

Coffee pods, better known as single-serve capsules, are the most common coffee pods. It is a coffee pod usually filled with coffee grounds, and the most popular brands are Nespresso, Tassimo, and Krups.

Individual coffee pods are usually filled with coffee grounds, so separating them from the trash is essential. The most common way to dispose of coffee pods is to place them in a trash can. However, it is best to separate them from paper waste. 

Coffee pods also have two types:

a. Soft 

A soft coffee pod is a type of pod that has a soft plastic cover. The cover is usually made from plastic, but it can also be made from aluminium. Other examples of soft coffee pods include Nespresso’s Vertuoline and the Tassimo T-Disc. The main difference between soft and hard coffee pods is their capability to be recycled. Soft coffee pods are usually made of plastic, which can be easily recycled.

b. Hard 

A hard coffee pod is a type of coffee pod made of aluminium. Nespresso coffee pods dominate the market, usually made of aluminium. The coffee grounds inside the pods are generally protected by a plastic film that must be removed before using the coffee.

2. Coffee Capsules 

Next to coffee pods are coffee capsules. They are not new in the market but are the predecessors of the coffee pods, widely used in the industry.

a. More Coffee Grounds

Capsules are packed with more coffee grounds. Compared to a coffee pod, a capsule contains more coffee grounds. It is because it includes more ground coffee powder than a coffee pod.

b. Non-Disposable 

A coffee capsule is not disposable because it is not filled with the usual coffee grounds and does not have any fillings. An empty capsule can last up to 3 to 6 months. The most common type of capsule is the Nespresso capsule. This capsule type is refillable and is only used with Nespresso brand machines. For example, the Nespresso VertuoLine. 

Pods vs Capsules: Which One is Better?

Coffee pods are indeed more convenient to use compared to coffee capsules. They are also more durable because they can be used repeatedly. However, they have a lower coffee grounds content. On the other hand, Capsules are also used for more than one serving. Once the capsule is used, you can still use it even if it is not empty.

Before Taking a Sip

Coffee pods provide convenience by reducing the time of brewing a cup of coffee. However, they are not as environmentally friendly as coffee capsules, as they are plastic. But nowadays, it pays to switch to biodegradable coffee pods as they are better for the environment. On the other hand, coffee capsules are not made of plastics, but they still use aluminium.

Pod Life Coffee promotes eco coffee pods for a more sustainable way of life. As the provider of the best Nespresso compatible pods in Australia, we produce biodegradable coffee pods compatible with most Nespresso machines in the market. Shop on our website today and enjoy free shipping on orders above 60 AUD.